Wednesday, July 2, 2014

If you see me crying...

... It's probably just the hormones! We are well into preparations for our FET. (Frozen embryo transfer for those of you who aren't familiar with the lingo.)

The big day is July 25!!!!

I try not to think about it too much, knowing that this is the last shot for us with our two remaining embryos. 

Speaking of shots, my new morning routine includes at least one a day. 
I get up, come downstairs, grab a cup of coffee, open the fridge for some creamer and of course grab my Lupron! (I am still not exactly sure what it does, but that's what I have Google for...) 

20 units every morning until I am told to stop. Who knows when that will be, but our baseline ultrasound is tomorrow morning at 10:30. They will check out my uterus to make sure everything looks good and then I will go for the next two weeks at the same time on Thursdays to monitor the progress of my lining and make sure there are no cysts or anything. In the first go around everything progressed "beautifully" (It still kind of makes me laugh when I am described that way inside LOL) So I admit I will be shocked if we come across a problem this time. 

Haven't been feeling hundred percent so I looked up side effects and found:  mild burning/pain/bruising at the injection site, hot flashes (flushing), increased sweating, tiredness, headache, upset stomach, breast changes, acne, joint/muscle aches, trouble increased urination at night, and dizziness to be among the list that applied to me.  

Basically I've had a case of PMS for the past week! Hehehe... Stephen has been absolutely awesome though. He is letting me get in plenty of hot baths and just took the kiddo out to run errands so I could have an hour to rest. 

Sometimes I literally could cry over nothing! Now that is a little annoying, because I am sure there are plenty of things that are actually worth crying about and i have to avoid the sentimental mommy/women article posts flying around facebook. 😏

This little guy has been especially gracious… My current goal is just to slow down and enjoy every day as it is. Laundry, hormones, cleaning and organizing the house, running errands, changing diapers, making meals, and making sure to take time to stop and Play or watch an episode of Deep Space 9 with the hubby. 

I am loving life, and looking to find contentment where we are at now… Whether our family grows in this path or in a different path later on. And always on my mind are the beautiful amazing women I know who have yet to realize their own dream of a little one. (If any of my friends are reading this and are in that place know that I am so willing to meet you and talk and pray etc!)

Well, my hour is almost up so I think I'm going to stop sneak in a game of Sushi Go-round! 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, enjoy these precious moments of having just the one child. Two does make for a whole new transition. Nolan was a bit of a surprise, as we thought to wait until Eliza was 1.5 years. I forgot all about how hard pregnancy is when now you have to keep up with a toddler! Hugs!
