How we got here...

The hubby and I  were married on 07-07-07.

I always knew that I'd have a family one day, but was incredibly awkward around babies for a long time. (Getting along well and working with the "older kids" is one of the reasons I became a high school teacher!) About two years into our life together it was like a switch flipped. I remember walking into our family room where Stephen was, sitting down, and announcing "I think I'm ready to have a baby".

I was just turning 25 at the time, and decided that I'd like to be about "done" having children by the time I was 30.  LOL. God had another plan for us. :0)

After a year, I finally convinced myself to start checking into things and mentioning our lack of success to our doctor. It wasn't until almost 2 years into our journey that we finally started to take "infertility" (the word was tough to swallow for a long time) seriously. A laparoscopic surgery confirmed that I had some endometriosis, which the doctor was able to zap out. We were hopeful that it would be enough to follow with two rounds of IUIs, (interunterine insemination - basically, making sure that the right stuff was in the right place at the right time), but had no success.

By that time we had started working with Dr. Kettle at the San Diego Fertility Center. (On recommendation from some awesome friends who had two beautiful children through IVF down there.) Through some more thorough testing we discovered that there was a "Stephen Factor" in the mix as well. (I'll just leave it at that.) :0) But the good news was that I was otherwise healthy and in normal "working order".

At the beginning of this summer, 2012, Stephen and I found ourselves at a crossroads. The two choices: IVF or adoption. We spent two months researching both possible paths, (including an 8-hour adoption seminar at Bethany Christian Services in La Mirada), and seeking counsel from friends who'd walked it all before us. While we were at peace with the possibility of adoption, we ultimately felt led that IVF was the path that God had set before us for this time in our lives.

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