Monday, July 21, 2014

6dp5dt: Confusion Reigns & ITCHES!

That's "6 days post 5 day transfer" lingo. (You see it all over the fertility forum boards.)

Before I get into the craziness, here are a couple pics from our amazing, and wonderful weekend up at the 'rents cabin in Big Bear celebrating my Dad's 60th:

It's been a bit of a rocky 24 hours. Yesterday we had a scare when I woke up to discover a red rash had developed on my bum, surrounding the bruising from the injections. It was quite a sight! I was also feeling weak and shaky, and was therefore terrified that I was getting some kind of infection.

We got ahold of a nurse from the fertility center and she reasoned that it was an allergic reaction to something - either the oil the progesterone is carried in, or something I touched. (Really? Like I decided to rub poison ivy on my arse!) I was instructed to take Benadryl, which had pretty much knocked me out by the time we got down the mountain.

I slept for about 40 minutes in the car, got home, and promptly went to bed for another two hours. *praise report*: The nurse was able to get a hold of one of the pharmacists from the place in La Jolla where we got our meds. He came during closed hours to meet the hubby and get me some oral/suppository progesterone as an alternative until we could figure this all out. We could not thank him enough!

By 3:30pm, the "rash" hadn't gotten any better, and I was back to feeling weak/shaky. We decided to play it safe and went down to our favorite Urgent Care at Pomerado, (ah, the memories from last summer...). A doctor there confirmed that it looked like a hives allergic reaction (thanks to infertility/birth giving me the humility to dropping my pants without giving it a second thought!), and since it wasn't "systemic" (other parts of my body) it  must be to the oil. Unfortunately, that oil stays around long after the hormone has been absorbed so it could be awhile before this fun stuff goes away.

OMG - I itch!!! 

Confusion point:  Fertility nurse said just take Benadrly once, and if it's still around then it's NOT the shot. Urgent care doc says to continue taking it because the oil is still around. (That makes more sense to me.) Arg. Currently we are waiting to connect with a second nurse to get closure. Meanwhile I am doing everything in my power not to scratch! blah.

Obviously, one of the things I was terrified to ask was if this could in anyway affect the viability of a possible pregnancy. Apparently, the answer is no... although it makes me a little wary. In the midst of this craziness I continue to deal with the symptom mind games.

  • Sore boobs
  • Bloating
  • Fatigue
  • Crampy/twingy
  • Mood swings
  • Frequent bathroom trips
  • Increased thirst
  • light-headed
  • Sore boobs
  • Bloating
  • Mood swings
  • light-headed
  • Fatigue
I already drink/pee a lot - couple times during the night. Any kind of reactions can cause the light-headed, shaky, weakness. This whole process is exhausting, and I always get thirsty in Big Bear.

Therefore, I could totally be preggers and I totally couldn't be! Kinda maddening, huh???!

(Have to stop for a minute and pee - be right back!)

The other nurse called by to talk to the hubby - apparently the first nurse was wrong about a couple things and I can take a little more Benadrly - YAY!!! So Stephen's off to CVS to get some, and a cream (though I know topical won't do much for hives; but I am desperate!)

I have also self-prescribed some chocolate. ;0)

Love and Hugs!

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