Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Ready..? Or not!

Got a call from Dr. Kettle's office yesterday and the transfer was re-scheduled to earlier in the morning. Check in time is 9:30... (FET - there's a link with a quick overview of what a Frozen Embryo Transfer is.)

Whoa - it is finally almost here and totally surreal. This afternoon I will be making finishing touches on my preparations for two good days in bed.

Magazines, check!  (tried to not read my latest Cooking Light)
Chocolate, check!  (have half a bar of my favorite dark chocolate/almond/sea salt, and some Sees pieces)
Projects, check!  (Mixbook to catch up on my 2014 book, organize recipes from magazines)
Entertainment, check! (Nextflix and Amazon Prime)
Food, mostly check!  (My mom is making me a pot of STEW! Yay for comfort food; she makes the BEST. And we live by plenty of restaurants so Stephen doesn't have to stress meal making.)

SHOTS update:
Okay, so the shots really are just as bad as I have heard! I really thought that we had it down a couple of days ago, and wasn't much of a pain at all… Boy was I fooled! We had pretty much gotten a routine down: 
  1. Heating pad on bum, oil under arm pit. 
   2. Hand hubby vial, lay out on bed and get swabbed with alcohol. 
   3. Hubby draws progesterone in oil while I find a funny cat video to help be distracted. 
   4. Shot time!
   5. Massage it out and hit the foam roller while hubby disposes of needles and heats pad. 
   6. Crawl into bed and heating pad back on bum. Watch Netflix!

I think I got a little too smug Saturday night when it was super easy. And then Sunday night happened! Pain shot through my bum so strikingly that I started crying. The poor husband didn't know what to do, "Should I take it back out??!". We got it finished, but I was so sore forever after. I told him I needed chocolate so he got me a brownie. (Comfort food!)

My sis-in-law and another dear nurse friend have both sent me good pics of the location. (Thank you Cyndi for the man butt! Hahaha...) Got a little more advice too, but last night's shot "sucked" almost as bad. I have to laugh at myself that I haven't JUMPED at the chance to switch to suppositories... I must really not want to have to deal with that three time a day!

So that is a shot of my med schedule. I'm trying to highlight to keep track of making sure I do everything I am supposed to… And, no it's not pills that I have to take at 2 AM in the morning - just 2 in the morning, 3 at night, etc. (Yes, my nurse told me that other women have asked her when they could finally stop setting their alarms for the middle of the night!)

For now, staying as on stressed as possible is the name of the game.

Last night I got to go out with some girlfriends to another Painting & Vino class. It was a simpler design, so we're able to relax and eat good food and really had fun making the paintings our own design. (My students are always impressed by my "amazing" talent at least. )

I've been walking around most of the time with that "butterfly" feeling in my stomach. Of course, that's better than feeling like biting people's heads off! (Thank you Estrogen.)

Well, I hear Nathan making puppy noises in his crib next door. We've got a few hours of hang time till daddy is officially off work so time to find some things to keep him entertained! (He will get to spend the night at Gram's house tomorrow, Which is a huge blessing. Considering I'm only allowed to carry up to 20 pounds, it will be good not feeling guilty about being unable to pick up my 26 pound one-year-old.)

All righty then. See you on the "other side".

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