Thursday, July 10, 2014

AAAAAAck! (In a good way)

Got some interesting news at the weekly ultrasound today -

So I started taking Estrogen this week (which has thankfully lessened the menopause-inducing effects of the Lupron shots, blah) to build my uterine lining. The goal was to have my lining at 8mm by NEXT Thursday, but apparently I am an overachiever because today it was at 10! The nurse proceeded to surprise us by saying that we could move up our time table if we wanted to "as soon as next Wednesday".

I was so thrown off that I almost walked out of the exam room without putting my underwear and shorts back on...

After an hour of wrapping our brains around it, calling my mom, and praying we decided to go for it! It's been a loopy kind of day - We had planned our summer and oriented our brains around July 25, so I feel a bit thrown off. I even had a massage scheduled for the night of the 24th LOL. But the though of KNOWING either way the outcome of our last IVF attempt by the end of THIS month was too enticing to pass up. It'll also give me another week to mentally (and perhaps physically) prepare for returning to work in August.

So Wednesday, July 16th is the new Big Day!

Of course, that means I "get" to start progesterone shots tonight. My husband thought that I was absolutely CRAZY when I opted to do the shots over pills. But let me explain - pills would be three times a day, both orally and in another special location. A once-a-day shot seemed so much easier, and I'd been through all sorts of shots so I figured no problem, right? Uhhh.... apparently these are a whole other fun ordeal, and fun to Google too - one of the first threads I saw pop us was a forum on how to deal with the pain of progesterone shots. Not exactly inspiring hehehehehehe.

Grateful for my sis-in-law who texted me some diagrams about placement - butt location. (Apparently you have to be fairly precise, or you risk hitting the sciatic nerve!) I also had to clarify, a couple of times, with an on-call nurse that the WHOLE needle (1 1/2 inches) does indeed go in. *insert wide-eyed panic face*

So I am currently sitting here in bed with a heating pad on my bum and a vial of progesterone in my bra (because fellow FETers recommended that to heat it up so it hurts less and spreads faster ok?!) mustering up the courage to text my husband to come up and get this done. (Oh yeah, he'll be the lucky one to poke me for these babies... Hm, reading that back in my head has scandalous connotations LOL. sigh.)

Lets all hope and pray that I GET to do these shots for like 10 weeks, 'cause that'll mean that we DO get pregnant. Looking on the bright side of things and knowing that this is sooooooooooooo worth it.


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