Monday, July 28, 2014

Our Result - - - So Far...

... Positive!   (I won't tease you with a long drawn out narrative first.)

Blood test was scheduled for 10:30 this morning (we got there 30 minutes early!), and we were told that's we'd be called "between 3 and 5". Ack! My mom has the kiddo today, so I've been keeping distracted hanging with a bestie, online scrapbooking, going out to lunch, and watching an X-Files marathon.

When the nurse FINALLY called Stephen came running from his office (which is in our house - not across town btw). She said that we had a "very good first number"; which turned out to be 1,108. (Apparently they wanted at least 100 - so there I go overachieving again!)

Next goal:  double that number by Wednesday! I'll go in for another blood test that morning. Doubling means that the pregnancy is progressing well. (Next step would be starting weekly ultrasounds.)

So, yeah - I guess that means we are pregnant! Still hasn't completely sunk in yet, but if definitely backs up how I have been feeling lately - AWFUL. Exhausted, achy, crampy, ditzy, no appetite except really hungry at the same time... etc.

Here's to 9 months of feeling cruddy!!!!!!


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