Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Meds... meds...

Good news! The meds from the UK have officially arrived. I'll sort through them later. Right now they're taking up almost an entire shelf in the fridge and a good chunk of Stephen's office floor.

Here are the regular pills and vitamins that I was already taking for IUIs/health, and continuing now:

I'm tired of swallowing pills - LOL. On Monday night I sat down and re-organized/filled my twice-a-day-daily pill box to help me keep track. Yesterday I started the full regime again, and ended up with a stomach ache all morning. (Note to self: two fiber pills and one salmon oil, among other things, don't mix!) :0P

Those prenatal vitamins are HUGE!  It's a mental battle to swallow them, and I swear I'm going to choke one of these days (how did any of you who've been pregnant do it?!). I downed a whole water bottle gettin those "pm" ones down and ended up waking up three times in the night having to pee... (Well, I guess that's good practice for if/when I do get pregnant though huh?)

Okay, okay... So I can't complain too much - I added the daily fiber, and the occasional probiotic and cranberry pill - but with all the other stuff going down the tubes I figured it was a good idea. :0)

One of the BEST PARTS about this, is that I no longer have to clean the cat box! YAY!!! I came home to this sight a couple of days ago:

Stephen has officially cut me off from cat related duties in preparation for the IVF and hopeful-pregnancy. I am very impressed with his commitment so far :0)

1 comment:

  1. I did the chewable prenatals.. one less thing to have to swallow :-)YOu might be able to too. I got mine from Target.
