Sunday, September 9, 2012

Countdown continues...

I just wrapped up hours worth of grading, lesson plans, and key making. I'm a bit in denial that I have to get up and go to work tomorrow. :0P  It's good to have the reminder that full-time is what is helping us afford IVF so I know it'll be worth it in the end!

Got at least a little break today to enjoy Expendables 2 and dinner with my mom and dad. They rock! (And honestly, what could be better than seeing classics like Bruce Willis, Chuck Norris, the Arnold, Sylvester Stallone and Jean Claude Van Dam kickin' butt onscreen together and owning it?!)

The hubby has left me for a quick business trip up north for a couple of days, so it's just me and the kitties. We are so grateful that God planned it to pop up at the beginning of the week so no worrying about him missing "injection training" on Friday. Boooowahahahahahaahahah... Oh my gosh, wait until I post one of the pics of how long some of the needles are! LOL

Last birth control pill is Tuesday night, (seems counterproductive right?), so I'll be all "regulated" and ready to go. I'm supposed to be de-stressing, but the new curriculum I'm required to teach (ALL word problems) is going to give me a heart attack. Oh well. :0)  If needed, I shall live on Top Ramen and put the grocery towards some massage therapy! Hehehehehehe....

Life is nutz. Glad I'm not in charge!  Have a bee you tea full week everyone!

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