Saturday, September 29, 2012

We have 6!

Just heard from the embryologist. Out of our 12 eggs, 8 were mature and got "ICSI" (met up with sperm to be fertilized.) Out of those 8, 6 of them have shown signs of normal fertilization. By tomorrow they shoudl be 2-4 cells.  (They are going to keep an eye on the remaining two just in case.) Now the waiting game begins again to hear back around noon - and then we will be told if we'll be going in for a day 3 transfer (Monday) or day 5 transfer (Wednesday). That will be followed by 48 hours of bed rest, and lots of nerves!

My body isn't quite sure what to do with me concerning all the meds and stuff. Here's a pic of all of our empty Bravelle and Menopur bottles:

No wonder I was feeling cruddy! :0)

Yesterday was a good day! Mom came by at 7am to head out to the surgery center:

 We arrived just before 8am. Here's a pic of the building that houses the San Diego Fertility Center, and the accompanying Surgery Center:
 (No, I didn't get plastic surgery!):0)

This was the best surgery prep ever! They had those super fancy massage chairs, so I enjoyed a nice long "Swedish" massage while they prepped me. I also got nice warm blankets, and heated bottles for my abdomen. The nurse, Michelle, was awesome!

I hated being "put out" for the surgery, but as soon as my eyes were closing I was waking back up. I told the nurses that I had been lesson planning! LOL. I do NOT do well with general anesthesia, and it took me longer to come to than I'd have preferred. (And my stomach was not agreeable - will leave it at that!) After an hour or so they wheeled me out to the car and I got to go home to my bed, yay!

Mom brought us a sandwhich for lunch, and I slept for several good hours. Our awesome pals Jason and Sara brought by dinner, and I was with it enough for a couple of games of euchre and hearts before crashing again and sleeping the night away. Today's all about continued rest and getting grades done for progress reports. :0P

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