Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Crazy? Oh yes!

True story from last week:

Mrs. Winters:  "Okay, open up your packets and we are going to do number 15."
(Students open up to the page.)
Mrs. Winters: "All right, so problem 16."
Student: "Wait, which one are we doing?"
Mrs. Winters:  "Number 15."
Several students: "You just said 16?"
Mrs. Winters: "Oh, I'm sorry. I'd originally thought 16 earlier before I changed my mind. It must be stuck in my head. I want to do 15."
(Students write the number 15 on their papers.)
Mrs. Winters: "0kay, so, number 16."
Almost whole class: "Wait, 15 or 16?!"
Mrs. Winters: "15."
Class: "You just said 16!"
Mrs. Winters: "I did? Arg! Okay, 15, 15, 15, 15..."

So it may have been slightly different than those exact words, but you probably get the gist! I've been pretty tired, but my brain is all scrambled lately. That night we went to a mexican restaurant and I SWEAR I told the waiter I wanted corn tortillas, (that is what I had in my head when I was talking). However my husband looked at me strangely and testified that I had said flour! Then on Friday, I got caught up in work and at just about 4pm randomly remembered I'd had a chiropractic appointment at 3:50, and was supposed to be at a friend's house by then. (After remembering all week before.) I scrambled out of my classroom and rushed over to the office a half hour late - luckily they were gracious and I still got to be adjusted. Dr. Lochridge confirmed my suspicion that these hormones are wreaking havoc with my brain!

I'm feeling tired, crazy, and sort of "whatever".  (Last Thursday's back to school night was the best one ever - probably because I was totally winging it and not narotic as I usually am.) :0)  Definitely bloated, as I have about 14+ times the amount of follicles taking up space. And the darn Ganirelex shot hurts!

But as I walked in to work today, after another ultrasound (more on that to come), I thought about how our awesome front office receptionist is battling breast cancer right now and it helped me keep things in perspective. All of my pains and uncomfortableness and craziness are GOOD, and I gladly bear it!

Progress report:
We had originally thought that maybe Tuesday (this week) we'd have the retrieval, but found out Monday that it would be pushed back. So I ended up having to scramble for a sub and churn out some plans for this morning to make it back in for another ultrasound and bloodwork. Then today the nurse told us that Dr. Kettle might want to keep me on meds another day. We wouldn't find out until later in the afternoon, though, so we had no idea what plans to make for a while. Fortunately she also gave us some "lender" meds since we'd be running out.

Sure enough, after school today I got an email from Stephen that I'd have to be back in tomorrow for another ultrasound at 9am! Right in the middle of two classes... oh well! God is gracious - a math teacher pal told me he'd take my first block from 8 to 9:15, and one of my BFFs is taking my second block until I get back. Yay!  I'm able to leave decent plans with full confidence that my students will get what they need. My mom will be picking me up in the morning from school, which will be cool since she hasn't seen one of the ultrasounds yet.

As of right now, we are hopeful that the retrieval will be Friday. Dr. Kettle likes the follicles to be at least 15mm, and I have at least fourteen that size or bigger. As stressful as it's been with subs and school lesson plans up in the air, when it comes down to it I'd rather wait longer and suffer more needles to ensure better chances of more mature eggs that are our potential kiddos!  (So crazy - every time I watch an ultrasound I think to myself about how one of those eggs is most likely going to be our child.... So cool!)

I've got some more pics to post, but my eyes aren't staying open well - so I'll save those for Thursday maybe. (I decided to just go ahead and book off Thursday and Friday with a sub. At least now I might get one whole day to get some much-needed rest before they knock me out and do the retrieval.)

Good night.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..............

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