Saturday, September 29, 2012

We have 6!

Just heard from the embryologist. Out of our 12 eggs, 8 were mature and got "ICSI" (met up with sperm to be fertilized.) Out of those 8, 6 of them have shown signs of normal fertilization. By tomorrow they shoudl be 2-4 cells.  (They are going to keep an eye on the remaining two just in case.) Now the waiting game begins again to hear back around noon - and then we will be told if we'll be going in for a day 3 transfer (Monday) or day 5 transfer (Wednesday). That will be followed by 48 hours of bed rest, and lots of nerves!

My body isn't quite sure what to do with me concerning all the meds and stuff. Here's a pic of all of our empty Bravelle and Menopur bottles:

No wonder I was feeling cruddy! :0)

Yesterday was a good day! Mom came by at 7am to head out to the surgery center:

 We arrived just before 8am. Here's a pic of the building that houses the San Diego Fertility Center, and the accompanying Surgery Center:
 (No, I didn't get plastic surgery!):0)

This was the best surgery prep ever! They had those super fancy massage chairs, so I enjoyed a nice long "Swedish" massage while they prepped me. I also got nice warm blankets, and heated bottles for my abdomen. The nurse, Michelle, was awesome!

I hated being "put out" for the surgery, but as soon as my eyes were closing I was waking back up. I told the nurses that I had been lesson planning! LOL. I do NOT do well with general anesthesia, and it took me longer to come to than I'd have preferred. (And my stomach was not agreeable - will leave it at that!) After an hour or so they wheeled me out to the car and I got to go home to my bed, yay!

Mom brought us a sandwhich for lunch, and I slept for several good hours. Our awesome pals Jason and Sara brought by dinner, and I was with it enough for a couple of games of euchre and hearts before crashing again and sleeping the night away. Today's all about continued rest and getting grades done for progress reports. :0P

Friday, September 28, 2012


Stephen here for jen. Surgery went good. Jen is sleeping for now. More later. Thanks for prayers.

BIG day #1

In about 15 minutes I am off to the surgery center!

Today will be egg retrieval day. Pre-op is 8am, and surgery at 9am. I'll be knocked completely out for the whole thing, which does have me a little on edge. (Not being in control is hard for a control freak!)

At my last ultrasound on Wednesday, there was a count of about 16 or so follicles, with about 11 that were big enough to probably have a mature egg. They'll go ahead and aspirate everyone they find, so they all get a chance. The embryologist will call us every day, starting tomorrow, with an update on how they are developing etc.

Well, it's a day of rest ahead for me! So excited!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Crazy? Oh yes!

True story from last week:

Mrs. Winters:  "Okay, open up your packets and we are going to do number 15."
(Students open up to the page.)
Mrs. Winters: "All right, so problem 16."
Student: "Wait, which one are we doing?"
Mrs. Winters:  "Number 15."
Several students: "You just said 16?"
Mrs. Winters: "Oh, I'm sorry. I'd originally thought 16 earlier before I changed my mind. It must be stuck in my head. I want to do 15."
(Students write the number 15 on their papers.)
Mrs. Winters: "0kay, so, number 16."
Almost whole class: "Wait, 15 or 16?!"
Mrs. Winters: "15."
Class: "You just said 16!"
Mrs. Winters: "I did? Arg! Okay, 15, 15, 15, 15..."

So it may have been slightly different than those exact words, but you probably get the gist! I've been pretty tired, but my brain is all scrambled lately. That night we went to a mexican restaurant and I SWEAR I told the waiter I wanted corn tortillas, (that is what I had in my head when I was talking). However my husband looked at me strangely and testified that I had said flour! Then on Friday, I got caught up in work and at just about 4pm randomly remembered I'd had a chiropractic appointment at 3:50, and was supposed to be at a friend's house by then. (After remembering all week before.) I scrambled out of my classroom and rushed over to the office a half hour late - luckily they were gracious and I still got to be adjusted. Dr. Lochridge confirmed my suspicion that these hormones are wreaking havoc with my brain!

I'm feeling tired, crazy, and sort of "whatever".  (Last Thursday's back to school night was the best one ever - probably because I was totally winging it and not narotic as I usually am.) :0)  Definitely bloated, as I have about 14+ times the amount of follicles taking up space. And the darn Ganirelex shot hurts!

But as I walked in to work today, after another ultrasound (more on that to come), I thought about how our awesome front office receptionist is battling breast cancer right now and it helped me keep things in perspective. All of my pains and uncomfortableness and craziness are GOOD, and I gladly bear it!

Progress report:
We had originally thought that maybe Tuesday (this week) we'd have the retrieval, but found out Monday that it would be pushed back. So I ended up having to scramble for a sub and churn out some plans for this morning to make it back in for another ultrasound and bloodwork. Then today the nurse told us that Dr. Kettle might want to keep me on meds another day. We wouldn't find out until later in the afternoon, though, so we had no idea what plans to make for a while. Fortunately she also gave us some "lender" meds since we'd be running out.

Sure enough, after school today I got an email from Stephen that I'd have to be back in tomorrow for another ultrasound at 9am! Right in the middle of two classes... oh well! God is gracious - a math teacher pal told me he'd take my first block from 8 to 9:15, and one of my BFFs is taking my second block until I get back. Yay!  I'm able to leave decent plans with full confidence that my students will get what they need. My mom will be picking me up in the morning from school, which will be cool since she hasn't seen one of the ultrasounds yet.

As of right now, we are hopeful that the retrieval will be Friday. Dr. Kettle likes the follicles to be at least 15mm, and I have at least fourteen that size or bigger. As stressful as it's been with subs and school lesson plans up in the air, when it comes down to it I'd rather wait longer and suffer more needles to ensure better chances of more mature eggs that are our potential kiddos!  (So crazy - every time I watch an ultrasound I think to myself about how one of those eggs is most likely going to be our child.... So cool!)

I've got some more pics to post, but my eyes aren't staying open well - so I'll save those for Thursday maybe. (I decided to just go ahead and book off Thursday and Friday with a sub. At least now I might get one whole day to get some much-needed rest before they knock me out and do the retrieval.)

Good night.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..............

Thursday, September 20, 2012


I'm sitting in the car waiting for the hubby, on our way back from the first ultrasound.

At this stage the nurse this morning told me that you have to have a minimum of 2 follicles at 9mm to continue the cycle. Then she found nine on one side! I'm posting a pic of of my right side, which had about 5 more, and you can see the list on the left of the screen where all the follicle numbers and sizes are. (as you can see I am in darn good shape!)

I'll officially start a second injection tonite of Ganirelex, which is the drug that helps prevent ovulation. (don't want to loose all those eggs too soon!). So two shots a night now, but I'm happy with that.

"on the edge"
That's how I'd describe yesterday lol. I think that the hormones have officially started kickin in emotion-wise. I felt on the verge of tears all day, and had to talk myself out of quitting for my last class of the day. (being tired isn't helping) luckily I found a couple of my friends on staff and laughed it out with them. :0) just have to recognize when I'm not being logical! (and everyone has been quick to tell me that I might as well get used to this for when I actually do get pregnant!) hehehe...

On a more difficult note, there has been a lot if tragedy in my community of fellow teachers in our district this week. My heart is saddened, and it causes me to stop and be grateful for my friends and my family and our health. You never know when that could change, and so I encourage everyone to make sure to stop and say "I love you", and look at life through a lense of "what is really important?".


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Shots - Mishaps & Memories...

I thought the adventure was over with the needle confusion - but I was wrong! Last night was our first official "injection night". Blessed to have a knowledgeable family member who was happy to come over and supervise. Thank goodness they did!

Turns out they were able to tell us that the sodium chloride solution we had (to mix all the meds with for the injection) was in little glass thingees that needed a special filter needle.  Basically, I could have shot myself up with microscopic pieces of glass - fun!

Stephen immediately headed to CVS - back to the one in Escondido - and worked for more than half an hour with the gal there going through a dozen or so different needles. I was calmer than I thought I'd be, but on the serious verge of panic mode as the clock ticked by... Once again, we were so incredibly blessed to have another knowledgeable family friend who had some sodium chloride in a nice, safe, rubber-topped bottle that worked with the needles we had. After a quick run to Escondido and back, we were ready to go!

(By the way, the gal at CVS did finally find a filter needle for us.) :0)

Mixing the vials is a LOT harder than I thought it'd be. Here's the basic process:
1. Take first type of syringe/needle and fill it up with 1cc of sodium chloride (salt water basically).
2. Wipe off tops of fertility drug bottles with alcohol swab.
3. Insert needle into first vial, push out the liquid, and gently swirl to dissolve the tablet.
4. Use needle to suck out the liquid with the medicine in it.
5. Insert same needle into next vial, and repeat. (There are 5 total vials for my protocol.)
6. Now that the syringe has all the meds ready, twist of needle and insert a smaller (yay!) needle for the actual injection.
7. Swab area near belly button, and pinch the fat (I have plenty for this part).
8. Push in needle, dispense meds.
9. Put needles in sharps container.
10. Breathe a sigh of relief.
11. Repeat for 10 days. (And add another needle with a different drug at some point.)

We'd originally decided to do the shots around 7pm, but last night's craziness had us doing it at about 8:45. So that is the official time now!

Even though not much went as planned, and I had to fight to keep myself from having a panic attack, I am continually amazed over and grateful for God's provision. It didn't go as smoothly as I'd hoped, but it gave me the opportunity to see friends and family rally around me and Stephen, and I am overwhelmed by gratitude for their love and presence in our life. :0)

BTW - Stephen gave me his first shot tonight. I am sooooooooooooooooo proud of how seriously and carefully he did the WHOLE process all by himself. Of course, it literally took more than 10 tries to get the needle in because I'd keep freaking out and laughing. LOL  (It was a little scary watching him come at me, and the needle suddenly looked HUGE!) But we did it - yay!

2 days down, about 8 to go...

Friday, September 14, 2012

Holding my breath...

Had quite a moment of shock today! Disclaimer - everything turned out okay. :0)

(The morning started off so wonderfully - Stephen and I both took the day off so that our fertility appointment would go smoothly and we could enjoy some much-needed time together.  I got surprised by breakfast in bed, Chick-fila, yum!). :0)

The shock I am referring to came when the nurse at the SDFC (San Diego Fertility Center) found not one, but TWO cysts on my ovaries! (One on each side.) I'd almost made a joke right beforehand about how "funny" it would be for me to go through so much the past three years, and never have even a hint of a cyst, only for one to pop up on the day of my baseline ultrasound. Uh, yeah... "ha ha". NOT.

When she said she found one, I couldn't believe it. In all the poking, prodding, ultrasounds, etc I'd never been told I had any - so I still can't figure out where these two came from and why now. I immediately teared up, because she explained that this could cause a delay in the cycle. Even through it wouldn't be an unreasonable amount of time, I'd had my heart and mind completely sold out and excited and my calendar already had all my dates decided and ready.

As soon as she left the room I completely lost it. The hubby was so wonderful and tried his best to comfort me. The rest of the staff kept trying to assure me to not panic until they'd run my lab work and knew if the cysts were producing estrogen, (which is when they'd have to delay - if they weren't I could proceed). Apparently cysts are very "normal". I still fell into the familiar "zombie coping mode" for the remainder of the appointment and injection training, and fought against fears - trying to trust that God knew what He was doing.

Here is a picture of the ultrasound, showing one of the cysts. (It's the black circular thingee.):

Here's a picture of the follicles that are currently developing on one side. Notice the mouse arrow pointing at them. (There are about 4 - the smaller black circular thingees.)  Over the next week and a half or so I shall have lots of big ones!

So grateful to have a good husband who'd planned to take me to Sea World after the appointment. (We have passes.) We ate a good lunch and then spent some nice time walking around in an un-crowded place. I had a blast at the animal encounter place I'd never seen before. Saw a real-life sloth! It was booking it around the cage. I thought that sloths were supposed to be slow... Stephen thought he was pretty cute.

I got a picture with a funny little alligator and saw my first beaver. That was a cool experience.
(And this was just a funny picture.)

After a walk through the penguins (one of my faves - they are hilarious), I was still on pins and needles waiting for the phone call that finally came around 3pm. The nurse asked how I was doing and I said, "Well, that depends on what you are about to tell me!".  That's when I found out that my bloodwork had come back perfect and I was cleared to continue the process.  WOOOOOHOOOO!  I started crying a happy cry again while on the phone, and couldn't thank her enough.

We finished our day at Sea World with two consecutive rides on the new Manta rollercoaster, one in the very front and one in the very back. (Note: if you ever go on it make sure to keep yourself looking straight ahead and your head pushed back against the seat or you'll need a chiropractor.)

I'm feeling so much lighter, and happier than ever, and I can't wait to get poked with a needle tomorrow night! LOL. 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Countdown continues...

I just wrapped up hours worth of grading, lesson plans, and key making. I'm a bit in denial that I have to get up and go to work tomorrow. :0P  It's good to have the reminder that full-time is what is helping us afford IVF so I know it'll be worth it in the end!

Got at least a little break today to enjoy Expendables 2 and dinner with my mom and dad. They rock! (And honestly, what could be better than seeing classics like Bruce Willis, Chuck Norris, the Arnold, Sylvester Stallone and Jean Claude Van Dam kickin' butt onscreen together and owning it?!)

The hubby has left me for a quick business trip up north for a couple of days, so it's just me and the kitties. We are so grateful that God planned it to pop up at the beginning of the week so no worrying about him missing "injection training" on Friday. Boooowahahahahahaahahah... Oh my gosh, wait until I post one of the pics of how long some of the needles are! LOL

Last birth control pill is Tuesday night, (seems counterproductive right?), so I'll be all "regulated" and ready to go. I'm supposed to be de-stressing, but the new curriculum I'm required to teach (ALL word problems) is going to give me a heart attack. Oh well. :0)  If needed, I shall live on Top Ramen and put the grocery towards some massage therapy! Hehehehehehe....

Life is nutz. Glad I'm not in charge!  Have a bee you tea full week everyone!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Meds... meds...

Good news! The meds from the UK have officially arrived. I'll sort through them later. Right now they're taking up almost an entire shelf in the fridge and a good chunk of Stephen's office floor.

Here are the regular pills and vitamins that I was already taking for IUIs/health, and continuing now:

I'm tired of swallowing pills - LOL. On Monday night I sat down and re-organized/filled my twice-a-day-daily pill box to help me keep track. Yesterday I started the full regime again, and ended up with a stomach ache all morning. (Note to self: two fiber pills and one salmon oil, among other things, don't mix!) :0P

Those prenatal vitamins are HUGE!  It's a mental battle to swallow them, and I swear I'm going to choke one of these days (how did any of you who've been pregnant do it?!). I downed a whole water bottle gettin those "pm" ones down and ended up waking up three times in the night having to pee... (Well, I guess that's good practice for if/when I do get pregnant though huh?)

Okay, okay... So I can't complain too much - I added the daily fiber, and the occasional probiotic and cranberry pill - but with all the other stuff going down the tubes I figured it was a good idea. :0)

One of the BEST PARTS about this, is that I no longer have to clean the cat box! YAY!!! I came home to this sight a couple of days ago:

Stephen has officially cut me off from cat related duties in preparation for the IVF and hopeful-pregnancy. I am very impressed with his commitment so far :0)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

September is HERE!

Wow, it's here! September is the official month that it's all going down...

Just checked on the tracking info from our big meds package that's on the way from Great Britain. They are officially in New York and well on their way. Stephen picked up the other stuff from CVS, and we had a happy surprise in learning that they had insurance coverage (since they weren't necessarily fertility-related) yay! I'll have to take a picture of the TONS of meds (including pills and vitamins) that I'll be organizing and taking throughout the process and (hopefully!) a resulting pregnancy.

Tonight, after a birthday dinner for a friend who is in town, we are going up to Big Bear for the remaining two nights of the three-day weekend. A last restful getaway as we prepare for everything that'll happening over the next 4-weeks. :0)

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend too!