Friday, August 15, 2014

Alive and "well"!

For all those who've been asking about the ultrasound -

There is ONE little bean in there!

We can hardly believe it. Must be a girl - drama, drama, drama.... right?! One super healthy, strong, nausea-inducing little joy. We saw a heartbeat flickering away, and everything looks great so far.

I am also grateful to say that we've worked out a good meds situation with our OB and I have dramatically improved in the tummy area. I actually EAT now, and keep it down. I've also got some typical exhaustion and cloudy preggo brain symptoms; couldn't think of the word "plate" today. Hmmmmm....

This week was all about being sucked into the stress of faculty meetings, classroom setup, and lesson planning. Fair warning - I am probably going to stay in the dark hole until after the flurry of the next week and a half dies down a bit. It's a bit of a marathon getting through the first week of school. (Fellow teachers, can I get a witness?!)

I could cry tears of joy at the thought of a no-alarm Saturday morning. (Seriously, tearing up here!)

Grateful for so much right now - my heart is full!


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