Friday, August 15, 2014

Alive and "well"!

For all those who've been asking about the ultrasound -

There is ONE little bean in there!

We can hardly believe it. Must be a girl - drama, drama, drama.... right?! One super healthy, strong, nausea-inducing little joy. We saw a heartbeat flickering away, and everything looks great so far.

I am also grateful to say that we've worked out a good meds situation with our OB and I have dramatically improved in the tummy area. I actually EAT now, and keep it down. I've also got some typical exhaustion and cloudy preggo brain symptoms; couldn't think of the word "plate" today. Hmmmmm....

This week was all about being sucked into the stress of faculty meetings, classroom setup, and lesson planning. Fair warning - I am probably going to stay in the dark hole until after the flurry of the next week and a half dies down a bit. It's a bit of a marathon getting through the first week of school. (Fellow teachers, can I get a witness?!)

I could cry tears of joy at the thought of a no-alarm Saturday morning. (Seriously, tearing up here!)

Grateful for so much right now - my heart is full!


Sunday, August 10, 2014


I just googled hypermesis gravidarum.

At the bottom of the page I'm left with:

Notable cases

Author Charlotte Brontë is often thought to have suffered from hyperemesis gravidarum. She died in 1855 while four months pregnant, having been afflicted by intractable nausea and vomiting throughout her pregnancy, and was unable to tolerate food or even water.

Isn't that encouraging? Ack!

That's a picture of some of the items i carry around in my "nausea bag" that goes with me everywhere. 

I thought I'd had a breakthrough yesterday when we gave up on the Diclegis meds and switched to Zofran. For the most of one whole day I was back to my old self and on top of the world. At one point I made a chicken salad sandwich and ate it.  

I dared myself to hope that we'd had a breakthrough. I pictured myself charging ahead heading back to work next week laughing and putting together a classroom like it was nothing. Another dose before bed made me loopy and I blissfully settled into sleep.

Oh, Zofran! You betray me! I thought we had a good thing going, ya know?!

Although I have not officially hit my knees in front of the porcelain throne today it has taken all of my willpower not too. I'm terrified of aggravating an apparent abdominal muscle strain - a gift of the night of misery early in the week I am sure - that will set off a searing, sharp pain. Arg. 

At least I got some rolled tacos in me at one point... I know, doesn't make much sense right? But anyone who has dealt with the beast of serious morning sickness knows that if ANYTHING at ANY TIME sounds edible you find a way to get it and you eat it! (In fact, after trying to distract me with a walk around the lake I came home and finished off a couple spoon-fulls of spumoni ice cream from The Spaghetti Factory. Unfortunately only one place for that... I wonder if they'd even let me order a bag of little containers of it to go? LOL)

Ugh - I can't even read back that last paragraph now. 

Poor Duchess Kate was hospitalized when she was preggers. I was thinking about that earlier. I wonder what it would be like to have a staff who could get a doctor at any time of the night, have a prescription delivered... I bet the manager at the local Spaghetti Factory would be honored to deliver a bowl of Spumoni any time 24/7! 

I am thankfully NOT at the point of hospitalization, or even very close as of now, and I do have my hubby who selflessly has run about on a whim or necessity to get me meds and food at all hours of the day. (Love that man!)

Thank you to those who have posted tips/advice. (I have wanted to try that smoothie remedy but couldn't stomach making oatmeal today haha. Maybe this week when I have a "strong hour" or two.)

I am definitely cracking - Stephen brought my little man in to say goodnight while I was sitting in the shower with my head on the wall, and his sweet little face brought tears to my eyes. I could only look at him through the glass door and blow him kisses, then watch as he watched me until daddy turned the corner and took him out of our room to sing him a song and put him to bed. 

Lunch and dinner was always our time, but I have understandably faltered around the sights and smells of the kitchen lately. Tonight I got him started but had to give in, ask the hubby to take over, and collapse into bed. Right now I have our video monitor on the bedside table next to me and I am grateful to watch him peacefully sleeping away...

Here is my latest cute picture of him just because it makes me happy to look at it!

Six. More. Weeks.

That's what we tell ourselves. In the grand scheme of things this is nothing. Kind of reminds me of eternity - in the perspective of forever the hard things we walk through in life are over in the blink of an eye! 

I thank the Lord for this battle - because I fought for the honor of having it! Heck, we paid more than thirty grand over the course of years to get to deal with a horrid bout of morning sickness! So many women out there would GLADLY take my place, because the sicker I feel the more prominent of a reminder it is that I have a beautiful life growing inside of me. I got a second chance - two for two! How amazing is that? 

I'd also acknowledge that there are others who are walking through painful trials without the promise of a happy ending. 

So, my dears friends - if you see me stumbling a bit in the next weeks, (especially at work - I am kinda freaked out about figuring some kind of solution out before being trapped in a classroom with 38 freshmen), remind me of my words! Sometimes it's okay to break down and cry, and acknowledge that this SUCKS, but sometimes I will need to get some perspective and get through it! (Or just walk out and puke, right? I am sure they will handle that distraction just fine and get back to their Algebra.) LOL... 


(Ps - hubby when you read this can you bring me an apple and almond butter? I'm gonna go for it!) 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

New things I have learned...

1. Essential oil ginger drops do NOT taste like good 'ole normal ginger. In fact, they almost MAKE me throw up when I take them to help with nausea. But they seem to work... I have found mixing with ginger ale to be tolerable.  (And yes, even if it's only mental I'll take it!!)

2. Endometrin  (progesterone suppositories) can cause vaginal spotting. This would have been extremely helpful to know in advance before I nearly had a heart-attack today discovering blood and thinking I was going to miscarry. Ugh!

3. The Supreme Club at Jersey Mikes, with extra veggies and mustard, is one of the only things I can tolerate and may end up eating on a daily basis for the next 4 - 6 weeks. (If you have any coupons, send 'em my way LOL)

4. The "Happy Go-Lucky" Jamberry nail wrap style aggravates my nausea. I only had that Jamicure on for two days before I groaned one last time and peeled them of. (I've ordered a few more subtle designs for now! Jamberry still makes me feel pretty...)

5. I discovered a Groupon for fresh-squeezed juices, or fruit & veggie smoothies, from Jamba. This shall hopefully supply a tolerable breakfast on my way to work in the next two months. (Many of the juices have ginger in them! Yay for more ginger...)

6. Surviving pregnancy IS possible, although tougher, with a little one running around. Nathan is blissfully ignorant to my suffering, and Grams is a savior! It gives me hope for when the new little one arrives... (Remind me of that in about 9 months!)

7. "Every pregnancy is different." It really is... No wonder women go flippin' crazy wondering what's going on next and what's happening to their bodies. And searching forums online only provides some insight - but we all still do it anyways.

8. Amazon prime is worth it. Plenty of non-Netfix available shows to stay entertained with while lying down exhausted in bed. Also, two day shipping for prenatal vitamins, stool softners, and lots of other fun preggo things you need!

Speaking of which - I am going to take advantage of some down bed time right now! (The Good Wife is actually good!)


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

"Green Blessings"

Note:  I am super dizzy/loopy right now. I don't know if it's the hormones, or after-effects of the Zofran (anti-nausea meds); but beware. I don't drink (like, ever!) but if I were ever tipsy I imagine that this is how I'd feel. Stephen just laughs at me... At least I made it safely back to my bed!

So if you saw the hubby's facebook post you'd already know that it's been a nasty 24 hours or so. Pregnancy symptoms have hit much harder and faster than they ever did with Nathan. I remember talking with my mom and us hoping that it wouldn't be as bad as last time - loosing 10 pounds and being useless for the first trimester. And it's not AS bad - it's worse! LOL  (Have to laugh or I'll cry.) ;0) Even though I fought the nausea, as Stephen describes it - I threw up more in one night than all the times with Nathan put together...

I'd have thought throughout last night I'd had a horrid case of the stomach flu if I hadn't been missing the flu's other wonderful symptoms. And there was no relief! An "episode" about every 30 minutes... And between like 2 and 3(of 5 or so) I called the on-call nurse service (about 1:00am) and got a hold of an angel of a gal who helped us get a prescription for Zofran called in to a 24-hour pharmacy at the CVS in the town next to ours.

On Monday I had already been placed on "Diclegis" - a different, newer drug (category A - the only one TOTALLY safe for preggos); but it's more of a systematic regimen that apparently had little effect or just hadn't had the time to integrate into my body and help regulate the nausea.

Fortunately the Zofran did the trick, and we were able to fall asleep a little before 3am. (Nathan blissfully slept through it all, thankfully. He got up with the hubby around 7 and had a good morning with Daddy as I slept in. Ha - just hit me that it's the first morning I pulled a "summetime sleep-in" until 10.)

My husband is freaking AMAZING. When I first texted him at 10:30pm that I was super sick, he appeared from downstairs with ginger ale and teddy grahams. Of course I couldn't stomach the thought then, but it was so sweet! He then proceeded to drop whatever it was that he was working on, climb into bed with me, and setup the computer with a Netflix Deep Space 9 marathon, which he was committed to continue until I was able to fall asleep. (Little did he know...) I've a bit of a history of Emetophobia, (fear of throwing up - a real thing believe it or not!) - in fact literally went a whole decade of avoiding it, probably to my detriment those times I was super ill in my tummy, until I became a teacher and all bets were off. So I get pretty worked up and anxious. He was soooooooooooooooo wonderful and patient with me. He didn't even HESITATE to jump in the car for a 40-minute trip to get the Zofran; and even "sweet-talked" the pharmacist into rapidly filling it (jumping in front of a line of people who were already waiting). Once the miracle drug started to take effect he informed me that I was to stay in bed and sleep as long as possible in the morning. I thank God for this man!

Another blessing - my mom. She came to get Nathan after his nap for the night so that we could get some more recovery rest this afternoon. (I got a video from her of Nathan tossing a bunch of avocados in the dryer - he LOVES being at Grandpa & Grams house!)

Thankfully today was better, and I've been able to keep down some liquids and a bit of food. I am nervous about tonight and pray that we don't see a repeat... We are so grateful for the support and advice from our Facebook peeps! Our pal Jess dropped off her peppermint and ginger essential oils for me to borrow (if you are reading this you are sooooooo right about the taste of the ginger!!!). We are desperate to get this under control, especially before I report back to work next week. (Oh man - my students are in for a TREAT during the first weeks of school!) Stephen said he'd even consider acupuncture!

So if things are so bleh, why the title "green blessings"? As we keep reminding ourselves, all of these symptoms, as bad as they can get, offer a certain measure of comfort that this little kiddo is sticking around. And for that we are grateful! Last Wednesday, my second beta number was 2880! I had more than doubled in the expected timeframe. If the trend has continued, my HCG levels should be pretty much out of control about now, which would explain a LOT. (And from how I figure I'm not even 6 weeks preggo until this weekend!) All good news!

Next step:  a first ultrasound with our fertility doctor next Tuesday. This should tell us if one or both of our embies have made a go of it. After all we are experiencing, I'd say that I'd be surprised if there is only one, but not disappointed. Maybe it's just one - but a girl? Already causing drama, right? Hehehehehehehehehe.... Stephen also got me an appointment next Friday with our lovable OBGYN and I am excited to get to go see him again! 

Hopes and prayers:  That the Diclegis meds will have a chance to do their thing and get the nausea under control. I really don't want to spend the last of my days of summer, and time with Nathan, as a total mess. But we do have some Zofram, oils, B6 shot possibilities, and apparently acupuncture to try out also! :0)

Okay, I am exhausted and I should let the hubby come up to bed - he's on a lot less hours of sleep than I am right now.

I wonder what we will watch now that we finished all of the Deep Space 9 episodes....
