Friday, July 26, 2013

When it rains...

It freakin downpours!

(Fyi typing this on my phone after gettin a shot of morphine so forgive my errors)

Warning! This post contains the details of my medical issues. Read at own risk. ;0)

Havent been feeling great for a few days. On wed i made it to my doctor. Diagnosed with possible bladder infection (white blood cells in urine), on type of some bug (had flu like symptoms), and was having painful gas cramps. Important note, she listened to my bowels and said they had good movement sounds. Got put on 3 day antibiotic. 

That night however was awful. I had the most painful and constant stomach and bowel cramps id ever experienced! Barely got any rest. During the long night hours i realize now that things were still moving through, due to change of pain location and three bowel movements, and a few farts. By about 5 however the "air bubble" seemed to have stopped in my lower abdomen. 

At one point around 7 Stephen came upstairs. I had been trying to eat a little, and at that point was laying on the floor in a fetal Position. I told him that i needed to get help because i couldnt keep it up with no relief.

We dropped off the little one at Grandmas and went to urgent  care at Pomerado. It was almost two hours bedore a doc officially came to see me. After a bunch of questions he was very concerned and convinced i had peritonitis, an inflammation of the abdominal wall, and kept using the word "worrisome". (I ended up googling the condition and apparently it can be life threatening!)

He sent me to be admitted to the ER for a cat scan. Got checked in there and the doc didnt think it was peritonitis. She started a round of tests. Ultrasounds didnt show much. Cat scan showed appendix was inflammed, and pelvic exam possible infection. 

Came down to appendix and some sort of abcess. But peeps werent sure which came first and if it was an ob issue or a surgical one. (Remove appendix, or treat abcess and appendix would clear up. ) 

Awesomely the ob she was consulting with ended up being Dr. Maresh who was my baby doctor! So he came down to check me out. He is so great, and compassionate. The surgeon arrived around the same time. Maresh determined that it wasnt related to the tearing from delivery. 

So the surgeon did a quick assessment (including classic rebound test for appendicitis) after reviewing all the folms and test results and sat down and told me i did need surgery. 

When all was said and done it was dicovered that my appendix was adhered to my rectum, and had perforated and was leaking bad stuff that had caused the abcess and infection which had in fact turned into the dreaded peritonitis! My bowels had then shut down, and looks like things could have gotten seriously dangerous if i hadnt gotten to the hospital. 

God is good. He got me here where i needed to be. Our sugeon ended up being a fellow Christian who knew just how to connect with me and the hubby and minister to us when we were realizing the urgency of the situation. He even took the time to stop and pray with us and remind me that even though id met the sugeon, i already knew the Great Healer and i was going to be okay. 

I got into the surgey quickly once the official diagnosis was decided, and was in recovery around midnight. Dozed on and off throughout the rest of the night. 

Update from the sugeon this morning was that things are looking good. Important now is getting my bowels back to functioning, which will take 3 - 5 days. It is imperative that i dont eat or drink until then. (I am hooked up with a bag of fluid and something that keeps me from feeling totally starved. ) once that magic step happens i can start on fluids and go home with many limitations to continue recovery. 

The pic i posted with this blog shows me with my "lollipop sponge" which i am allowed to dip in water to wet my dry mouth and throat. Yum. 

I do have moments when i break down missing my baby boy (no way he is coming back to a hospital), but i am so blessed that he is doing fine and happy at grandma and grandpas, and others have offered to be backup to babysit if needed. (Gma and Gpa are truly enjoying this special time with him. It also allows the hubby the opportunity to get rest, spend nights with me, and go by there to visit and cuddle him. )

Thank you to all who havent even hesitated to offer help! Even though my diet will be lame and limited for some time when im home i am sure that i will take up your offers in the form of keeping my hubby fed and grabbing groceries or coming by for a visit to break up the day. :0)

Until then... I am in a lot of pain, uncomfortable, sad at times, but it is MANAGEABLE and i know that "this too shall pass" as i feel His strength and support along with all of you my loved and awesome family and friends. :0)

1 comment:

  1. Is there a pun in this too shall pass? Hehe. After having a csec, I can relate to the pain and morphine drip. Keep on keeping on and pump like a mad woman to keep that supply up with out cluster feedings.
