Saturday, August 10, 2013

Home, though not yet healed...

Just wanted to set up a little update for those who have been asking.

I am typing this from my own bed, (which I have definitely not seen enough of this summer), as the hospital did in fact discharge me yesterday. They had been waiting on my white blood cell count to drop to a normal level (below 10,000 - it was almost 22,000 when I was admitted this last time) and my fever to subside for at least 24 hours. I have been able to transition from IV antibiotics to an oral antibiotic, and my surgeon removed the tube that was draining my abdomen.

Still battling the nasty mastitis and exhaustion. I've honestly never felt so utterly worn out in my entire life. I made the difficult decision last night to leave my parents house, and my baby boy, to come back to our own home so that I could be in the best place possible (I hope) to continue resting and recovering. I'm grateful to have had a few hours yesterday to hold and snuggle my little one - and I know that he is in the best place possible with Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle Brad (who is officially home from college). I did get some sleep last night, though awoke drenched in sweat several times and had to get up and change and get settled again.

Mentally, I've officially hit a breaking point a couple of times these past couple of days - as though all of the stress and realities from this summer and especially my lame health lately has finally caught up and overwhelmed me all at once. Honestly, I think I've rightfully been due for a few great big cry sessions. They can be very therapeutic... :oP

One praise report - got to stop and see some good girlfriends on the way home from the 'rents last night. It was a wonderful time of some much-needed sharing and laughter.

The article about being "blindsided but never betrayed" by God has been a great encouragement to me. I don't know what the future holds - and when will I be able to begin work? Ah! School starts in a week - and just trying to get by one moment at a time. There have been plenty of moments to still find laughter, even at the peak of misery; and I pray that I won't loose that.

For now I must choose to ignore the many tasks of cleaning, organizing, etc that I see around me and focus on continuing to heal and recover. I know that so many of my awesome friends and family are waiting to know how they can help. What a humbling summer it has been to learn how to continually receive it! Hoping to get some food in me this morning, and get some serious sleep in, then look at the next decisions.


1 comment:

  1. Dearest Jen,

    I am so grateful to God, your hospital staff, family and friends for the love and support they have provided you. You are in our hearts and prayers. We love you so much and are so trusting God for your complete recovery and health.

    Larry and Liz McDaniel
