Saturday, November 24, 2012


We've officially made it to week 10!

Only a couple more weeks and we will officially be out of the first trimester - and hopefully away from morning sickness. I've had pretty much every stereotypical sign/symptom of pregnancy so far (seriously!) so I guess it was no surprise that my tummy would follow suit.

By now I've usually got the house completely decked out for Christmas, the lights up outside, our cards addressed and ready to mail, and all of my shopping done - but I admit I'm moving MUCH slower than normal these days. :0)  Every day between 1 and 3 I end up in bed for a couple of hours resting and napping. I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooo grateful to have had this last week off!!! Stephen took me to World Market today so I could buy up a bunch of ginger chewy candies and ginger tea. Hopefully these remedies will help me make it back through teaching in the next few weeks. As miserable as I've been though, it is the BIGGEST BLESSING!!! After going through so much to get here it is a constant reminder of our little miracle, and it gives us so much peace that everything is going well.

We had our last appointment at the fertility center on Tuesday and have officially "graduated". They sent us home with lots of pics, and a little goody basket.

Here is the best pic of our little "snowman":
The biggest oval is it's little head, and you can clearly see two little arms. This was the most AMAZING appointment yet!  The whole time our little baby was squirming and wiggling and waving at us. (An active athlete for sure!) :0)

We are still completely in shock, but so excited about how our lives will be changing. (Though I joke with the hubby that every time I sleep in a little or we spontaneously go out I hear a ticking clock... LOL.) Jeans are officially awful now and I half-jokingly wonder how I will dress up sweat pants so I can still look professional when I'm at work... Fortunately my parents bought me a cute maternity outfit with some stretchy black pants!  Even though the midsection is starting to "thicken" I've actually lost some weight - so hubby is keeping a super close eye on me and making sure I'm getting food (thankfully keeping it down) and taking all my vitamins. I've learned that if I have an appetite at ALL for anything plausible we get it! :0)

Thankfully turkey, mashed potatoes, and gravy were in that category and I got to enjoy some Thanksgiving dinner - the BEST meal of the year. Stephen and I celebrated simply at my parents house with my youngest brother home from college. The guest room was perfect for my mid-day nap, and plenty of football kept the boys happy. It was fun to think about what the holiday could be like next year with the first grandchild around...

We'll be going to our first obgyn appointment on Tuesday, and are super excited to meet the doctor and start asking a MILLION questions and learning... It's incredibly overwhelming all that we have to figure out and get prepared but I know that's one of the reasons God planned on 9 months to get it done! My hubby has been a SAINT - putting up with mood swings and doing whatever he can to support me in this first trimester of craziness. I'm so grateful for a good man! (And at least he knows what's up with me... Pity my students! LOL)

Thanks to all of you that have kept us with our journey and continue to pray for us and ask how it's going!

1 comment:

  1. Do you have a due date yet? And yes, those 1st trimester naps are wonderful.
