Wednesday, October 3, 2012

THE big day!

Today was a day years in the making. I'd been keeping myself pretty busy the last couple of weeks (a coping skill that I've mastered in the trials of infertility), and found myself facing the transfer head on. For the first time the strong, positive attitude that I've carried through most of this process began to crack. As the hubby drove us (my mom was able to come - so glad!) I started to have a mini panic attack as the weight of the day began to overwhelm me. 

"It might not work."  I just had to face that fact and say it out loud. My mind can hardly comprehend the process failing for us, so I'd pushed that thought aside with a vengeance. Somehow, it was a release to just acknowledge it and then move on. The prayers and words of encouragement from my mom and a few girlfriends in that moment were a blessing.

In fact, I'm so overcome with the amazing people in my life - family, friends, colleagues, and even people who I don't know who've been wonderful cheerleaders for Stephen and I! I love and appreciate all of you! I am so grateful not to have walked through it alone. You rock. 

All in all, I've gotten to a better place mentally and emotionally. (I did almost crack a little again when the embryologist brought us the pictures of our developing embryos. In fact I'm tearing up now again just thinking about it. It was so incredibly overwhelming, in a good way, to see the reality of our possible babies right there!) I am confident that God is, has always been, and will always be in control and I trust in His plan for my life. 

Now on to the good stuff!

 Here's my studly husband as we wait in the "minor procedure room" for our embryologist:

He even humored me by sitting on the bed with his feet in the stirrups for a picture so he could support me in knowing what it felt like - LOL. When the embryologist came in he brought us pictures of our embryos, which was one thing that I had been eagerly waiting for. Here are pics of the two blastocyst-level ones that were implanted. (How rad is that?!)

 The whole procedure didn't take very much time. We got to see the little things floating around back in the lab as they prepared to suck them in to the catheter. Then we got to see the rest of the procedure through an ultrasound - I laughed when I saw them fly out of the catheter like a little bullet. Here's a decent pic - that what spot that the little arrow is pointing to is the embryos hopefully settling in and feeling like they're home!
 After laying down for 30 minutes, we headed back home and I promptly went upstairs to settle into my cozy bed. (I had prepped it this morning with all sorts of things to keep me occupied.) My mom brought me some yummy lunch.
And now the wait begins!  I've been reassured several times that I can't do anything to cause them to "fall out", and can resume most of normal activities within a short time. Fortunately I've got subs lined up for the rest of the week, and then I think going back to work on Monday will help me as we try to be patient for the pregnancy test.  That is scheduled on October 15th at 7:30 in the morning. Oy!

My plans for the next two days:  get caught up on card writing, watch lots of netflix, finish my John Grisham novel and start my bookclub book, find new games for my iphone and master them, start the Grace Church women's study on the Holy Spirit, ready my new Martha Stewart Living magazine, find good recipes in my Cooking Light, eat, sleep, and visit with girlfriends who come by. (NO grading or lesson planning allowed!)

Thank you again for the thoughts, support, encouragement, and prayers!

All right little embryos - make yourself at home!

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