Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My mom rocks

Today was my first appointment with the IVF nurse. The hubby was at work up in Orange County so my mom came along for the ride!

We started with a 30-minute video that helped explained the ins-and-outs, complete with a powerpoint notes packet. Then one of the gals came in and gave me some paper work. But the most exciting thing was when we finally got to talk calendar. Yay!

It's kind of weird to have it be so theoretical for so long, and then now I have actual DATES marked off where something is actually going to happen! I've already connected with a pal to sub for the time I have to be gone doing the monitoring ultrasounds - and luckily one's on a Saturday so that's less time off to be banked for later.

September 14th - the day Stephen and I will head down for the baseline ultrasound, and "injection training". Haha  - I know he's "really" looking forward to that. :0)  (Love you husband!) The drugs will start on the 15th. Shots? No biggee to me! I say bring it on!

All in all, September is sure to be an exciting month. The whole process will be wrapped up by the first week of October; and then it's the dreaded 16-day WAIT until I get to go in for a pregnancy test. But, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. (My mom and I were laughing about how it'll probably be harder for my friends and family to deal with my craziness for those days than when I'm on all the hormones!) LOL.

After the appointment, we decided to go to Brigantine for an early dinner because, well... because we could! Spinach salads - countered by potatoe skins with cheese. :0)  I think we'll make Brigantine Happy Hour a new tradition!

So grateful and blessed with so many amazing, supportive friends and family! Love you all!

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