Monday, August 27, 2012


(If credit cards made a money sound.) :0)

Stephen was all over the place on the phone and email finishing up the hours of meds research I'd put in this summer. When we were originally quoted $4000-$6000 for medications our jaws dropped! I worked hard to figure out the cheapest way to go, and am relieved now to say that the order is in and most of it will be on it's way from the UK soon!  (Yes, WAAAAAY cheaper over there!) cost just over half of what we were quoted from various pharmacy sources in the US. (It pays off to do your due diligence!)

We are at peace about the money - and grateful that I have the opportunity to even go from full to part time. The increase in salary will cover almost all of the IVF process. (And Top Ramen will help with the rest, right? hehehehehehehehee...)

I've also officially scheduled my first appointment with the nurse for Wednesday at 2:00.  (Will have to get a sub for the last period of the day.) She will go over everything again, and work out an official calendar so I'll have all my dates figured out. Already have a friend waiting for the call to sub for me on those days so my students will hardly miss a beat.

Did I say yet how crazy excited I am?!

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