Sunday, March 6, 2016

The End of an Era...

Well, it's time for a chapter to close and a new one to begin. Stephen and I will be listing our home hopefully within the next couple of weeks. (Packing and cleaning and staging goes a bit slower somehow when there's a 2 1/2 year old wanting to "help" and an 11-month old crawling after you whining to be picked up all the time.)

It's still pretty surreal to see that sign out front. We only just made the decision less than a week ago, and a sudden one at that. Well, not so sudden though if you understand that we had considered doing this almost a year ago, and would probably have considered it again in the future.

Stephen's commute to McClellan-Palomar Airport in Carlsbad doesn't seem like it would be bad distance-wise; however the traffic on San Marcos Blvd can be miserable in the mornings and early evenings. (Fellow San Marcosians, can I get a witness?!) Besides that, he has always for some reason talked about living in Carlsbad someday. (I had always told him though that I didn't want to live closer to the coast because my hair would get frizzy!)

I have been pretty dead-set against moving. I mean, come on - if you have been to my house you'd understand. Almost 2600 square feet of the perfect kind of family and entertaining home I'd always imagined being in; and we got it for our very first home together almost 7 years ago.

Seven years... and so many memories. I have loved hosting family Christmases, engagement and bachelorette parties, baby showers, and various get-togethers. More recently, due to my new stay-at-home-mom status, I have been hosting playgroups! Ha - as in, children. Yes, loads of little ones and babies playing with my boys and all of the toys we've collected over the past couple of years. (No high schoolers in sight! Now that has been an adjustment.) ;0)

The darn HOA who brought some great stories by policies that towed away my friends cars. Twice.
(Okay, that maybe we won't miss so much.) I will always remember my friend waking us all up in the middle of the night yelling "Someone is stealing my car!", and the panic that ensued as we stumbled outside to figure out what was going on.

This is the home where we walked the difficult journey of infertility; and where we brought home both of our little miracles. I poured my creativity, time, and heart into decorating two bedrooms for the boys who have brought us so much joy. My heart hurt at the thought of repainting - but was blessed by our agent walking into Nathan's room and telling me not to worry, and that someone was going to walk in, see the two-toned walls with the super cute sports-playing animals accents and say "This is my little boy's room!".

While it may be considered a nuisance to some, I have LOVED living on the hill overlooking a middle school's athletic field. We've enjoyed years of soccer and rugby games. I don't know - maybe it's due to my chosen profession as a teacher or something; but it's been great hearing the sound of the students out at PE. The track unit is always my favorite - especially when I get to watch them attempt the hurdles for the first time! Oh, or the "pings" of batons hitting the asphalt when they were learning how to pass it for a relay. Hehehehehehe... When we bought this home I'd always imagined sending the boys down to shoot hoops while I was in the kitchen making dinner.

Oy - and the LOCATION! Right smack dab in the middle of the two best exits of San Marcos! All the Chick-fil-a, In-in-out, Hobby Lobby, Marshalls, Spouts, Nordies Rack, and more that you could want!

Did I mention that you can see Frys from our bed upstairs? (LOL - okay, seems random but it's the memory that sticks in my mind from our first night here. Even now when I turn my head I can clearly see the red glow and lit building and get all nostaglic-like.)

I am grateful that we will be able to have some family stay with us once more in this home; and we are still planning to have a family first birthday for Zachy. (I realized tonight that I'd been able to have the Hoadley Christmas party here this last December as well!) So we'll have a great send-off and closure.

We love this house. But I have come to a place of peace about leaving it. (Not that I don't have a panic moment every now and then.) It was NOT a decision that came easily. Instead, it took a lot of heart-searching, and circumstances beyond my control. Some of the questions and fears that I've had have been reasoned out, but there's still plenty that I'll just have to wait and see what God has in store. Wherever we end up, what's important is that we are all together. Besides, creating a great home, in whatever house we reside, is my full-time focus now. Now it's time to be stretched and take a step of faith!

Oh, and if you have any boxes....

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